
Donate ✩

Support Westley’s World’s Charitable Work

Why donate to Westley’s World?

Donating to Westley’s World Rabbit Resources enables me to continue; and hopefully increase, the pro bono grooming & rescue work that I regularly undertake to relieve and prevent the suffering and pain of rabbits, especially long coated rabbits.

What is Westley’s World all about?

From its inception, Westley’s World has had a charitable ‘heart’. In the early days - not too long after Westley came into our lives (you can read all about him under the ‘About’ tab), I started a shop with all profits being used to sponsor desexing, vaccinating and microchipping rescue rabbits all over New Zealand.

Westley’s World then became a full time rabbit rescue and Registered Charity - Westley’s World Rabbit Rescue, with the shop proving the funds needed to carry out our rescue work. Eventually, it was necessary to close the rescue due to complex personal health issues, at which time I de-registered the Reg. Charity.

Westley’s World then became a Registered Sole Trader; trading as Westley’s World Rabbit Resources. My small business offers rabbit & guinea pig Boarding & Grooming services along with a website that has a strong focus on education and promoting best practice in pet rabbit husbandry in NZ. WW’s online shop is also hosted on the website.

Although the rescue is officially closed I continue to rescue, desex, vaccinate, microchip, rehabilitate and re-home privately; as funds and space allow, as well as providing as many pro bono services as I can.

Giving FAQs

  • Your donation enables me to continue to provide pro bono grooming services to Registered Charities (incl SPCA) and newly, privately rescued rabbits that need to have their matting removed.

  • I also provide pro bono boarding services to fellow EDS sufferers who need to travel overseas for life saving surgery that cannot be accessed in NZ.

  • Westley’s World is no longer a Registered Charity. I deregistered when I closed the rescue. However, WW still has a strong charitable focus - providing pro bono grooming and boarding services, rescuing (incl desexing, vaxing, microchipping), rehabilitating & rehoming as funds, space & my health allow. I also gift equipment, food and hay when it is needed by others.

In the Gallery below you can see some of my recent pro bono work.