Westley’s World Grooming Services
Westley’s World is located in Hamilton, New Zealand.
Please see the chart below for pricing.
Westley’s World grooms rabbits for Registered Charities (including SPCA) ProBono.
WW will only remove matting at a rabbit’s first appointment. Repeated matting and matt removal is stressful for both a rabbit and the groomer.
It is the owner’s responsibility to ensure the rabbit is brought for regular grooming after the initial appointment to prevent future matting occurring.
Subsequent appointments where matting is found will incur a surcharge at WW’s discretion and may also be cancelled without notice.
All rabbits must be vaccinated with Filavac a minimum of 2 weeks prior to visiting Westley’s World. Proof of Filavac is required.
Please Note for Long Coated Rabbits…
The condition of the rabbit’s coat and the rabbit’s demeanour will determine how much of the grooming session will be completed within the maximum total session time of 2 hours. This may consist of short sessions totalling 2 hours.
This time limit is imposed to reduce stress on the rabbit. If 2 hours (in total) is inadequate to complete the groom, multiple visits may be required. Depending on the coat condition, the bun may need to stay for the day (with a day boarding fee applied) with the groom bring done in shorter blocks spread throughout a day.
This groom is not a ‘beauty or fashion’ groom. Its purpose is to reduce your rabbit’s coat, to remove current matting, prevent future matting, eliminate the need for stressful daily brushing and to help your rabbit be more comfortable during challenging weather such as summer heat.
Each long coated rabbit’s coat is different and the interval between grooms can vary from 4 to 8 weeks. A rabbit that is groomed properly by an experienced and proficient groomer will not need to be and should not be combed or brushed daily between grooms.
The reason we take this approach is to prevent the need to do any daily brushing or combing. Indeed, daily brushing/combing can be extremely stressful for a rabbit. Doing so can result in behavioural issues and can seriously affect an owner’s bond with their rabbit. It can also cause faster matting in some coats.
I have owned rabbits for about 40 years and have been grooming long coated rabbits for 10 years. You can view some of my work in the gallery below. It is really great that awareness is growing and that more people are starting to groom rabbits but please make sure that inexperienced/novice groomers - that is those with less than at least 4 years experience, use two people for the groom so that your rabbit is not put at risk of injury.
Some key points to keep in mind -
* The grooming environment should be calm & quiet
* A groom should not exceed 1-2 hours. The duration of a groom is influenced by each rabbit’s personality and their coat condition etc.
* Your rabbit should not be tranced
* Your rabbit’s skin should not be grazed or broken - however severe matting can cause the skin to be in poor condition with scabbing and rips already present.
* The bottom of your rabbit’s feet should never be clipped
* Until you are confident with the groomer’s approach/technique etc you should stay to observe the groom to ensure that your rabbit is not stressed or mishandled
After submitting your enquiry, please check your Spam folder if you do not hear back from us within 24 hours.
You can see some examples of my work and view the Westley’s World grooming space in the Gallery below.
WW's Grooming Station
Lola in her full coat
Look at all of the FLOOF!
Lola with slightly less coat, but still in need of a clip
Everything came off for this summer clip
This was a winter clip so I left Lola's ear floof on
Roux in heavy moult - this is after I've stripped his coat out
Even short coated buns produce a huge pile of fur!
Evidence of Fur Mites
Hygiene trim (bun is sitting up and is not tranced)
Backed up Scent Gland
Evidence of Fleas/Flea dirts.
Cleaned Scent Gland
Seby before his regular clip
Floof free and such a happy boy!
The ear floof can stay because we are heading into winter. In summer it is best removed.
Having a good wash because he can reach his skin once the floof is gone.
Seby's mum combs his cheeks to keep them mat free so he can keep his face 'furnishings'
Seby two days after his clip, with his coat fluffed back up and looking more even.
Seby two days after his clip, with his coat fluffed back up and looking more even.
SPCA bun Womble before his groom. He was hiding the beginnings of matts under that floof.
That feels better doesn't it Womble!
Thumpa before his groom
Thumpa feeling heaps happier with his floof and matting off!
Jojo before his groom
Jojo after his groom
Zoe before
Zoe after
Short coated buns need grooming too don't they Theo!
Peppa wishes to express her disapproval!
Willow is glad to be rid of all of that floof!
Little Chase - before
Chase - after
My Darling Lola - before
Lola's pile of floof
Lola - after
Stanley - before
Stanley - after
Long Haired Guinea Pig - before
Long Haired Guinea Pig - After
Chewie Bob’s Winter length groom