Snoopy & Coco
AUCKLAND - Snoopy & Coco; M/F Bonded, 5 year old (b. 12/12/19) New Zealand White x Flemish Giant (?) pair. Both Desexed, Vaccinated & Microchipped
Sachi & Florence
AUCKLAND: Bonded Pair Sachi (b. 03/18, microchipped, vaccinated Lop x) & Florence (b. 2019, microchipped, vaccinated Lop x)
Vanilla & Coco
AUCKLAND - Bonded Mini-lop Pair: Vanilla (male, white) and Coco (female, brown). Both 5 1/2 years old, Desexed & Vaccinated (Filavac, due Sept 24)
Rambo & Cookie
AUCKLAND - Rambo (NZ White, 4 years of age)& Cookie (Mini-lop, 2 years of age). Both neutered and vaccinated - Filavac Sept 2023
Coco & Honey
HAMILTON: Bonded Pair Coco (Spayed, vaccinated female long coated blue eyed white cross breed, age unknown) & Honey (Neutered, vaccinated male 3 years old)
Iggy & Maple
NELSON: Iggy (M, 6 year old, desexed mini lop) and Maple (F, 5 year old, desexed small cross breed)