The Warren is a rehoming platform for rabbits whose families are needing to find them a new home. Rabbits stay in the care of their current owners until adopted.
All rabbits are desexed, and some are vaccinated with Filavac and microchipped.
There is generally no adoption fee to pay and often the owners offer housing and equipment as well.
Please contact the owner; whose contact details are included on each listing, to enquire about adopting their rabbit(s).
Freckles & Flopsy
WELLINGTON: Bonded pair - Freckles (male minilop) 7yo and Flopsy (female angora cross) 2yo
Mocha & Layla
HAMILTON - Bonded pair Mocha; approx 6 year old, desexed, vaccinated, microchipped, black otter male, small breed cross & Layla; approx 7year old, desexed, vaccinated, fawn female Lop
Little John (LJ)
AUCKLAND - LJ; Desexed, 6 year old, Small Breed, male. Owner happy to vaccinate when re-homing.
Mallow & Flora
AUCKLAND - Bonded pair Mallow (BEW, Male MiniLop B. 08/10/21, Vaccinated) & Flora (White & Brown, Female MiniLop, B. 22/11/21, Vaccinated)
Bobbi & Flopsy
AUCKLAND - Bonded Pair Bobbi (3 yr. old Wildie) & Flopsy (4 yr old Lop) Both desexed and vaccinated (11/23)
Frankie & Blaze
WELLINGTON / KAPITI COAST: Bonded F/F pair Frankie - Desexed, grey & white, 3 yr old, small breed cross & Blaze - Desexed, black, 2 yr old Mini Lop.
Pebbles & Oliver
CHRISTCHURCH: Oliver, Desexed male, 3-4 years old, Netherland Dwarf x Jersey Woolley & Pebbles, Desexed female, 2-3 years old, mini lop