Freckles & Flopsy
WELLINGTON: Bonded pair - Freckles (male minilop) 7yo and Flopsy (female angora cross) 2yo
Breaks my heart to have to do this but needing to rehome two very loved indoor bunnies Freckles and Flopsy. Both are desexed and vaccinated yearly. Flopsy is microchipped as she was an SPCA rescue. Both buns are registered with Kelburn vets in Wellington (rabbit savvy). I bonded them about 2 years ago. Both require regular grooming, but Flopsy in particular will need haircuts at least once a month to prevent matting. Indoor only as she can’t get wet for this reason. I find it pretty easy to do myself, both buns are super easy to handle being small and used to being handled. Good for getting nails trimmed at home.
Will come with pet carrier (big enough for both of them), corner cage (always open and used as large litter area + hay feeder), puppy pads for the cage, litter trays with grills to keep their feet clean, refilling water bowl, 10kg bag of pellets, pellet bowls, leftover hay, Kmart cat boxes and scratchers, toys and treats, emergency medicines on hand for stasis, pet pen (currently sections off the back of the lounge for their large indoor area), nail clippers, brushes and scissors for Flopsy’s haircuts, and also a rug for their area if wanted.
Flopsy tends to need more things to chew, is playful and active. Loves to play with her treat cups and tray. Freckles loves his food, naps and pats on the head and nose. Freckles has always been the more dominant one and Flopsy is very submissive, so they get along well. Will be picky about who they go to, please email to discuss.
Unfortunately having to leave current long term living situation unexpectedly + change in employment situation, and new rental will not allow pets. Need rehoming by July.
To enquire about adopting this lovely pair please email Rosa at