Claws / Nails
Check your rabbit’s nails weekly to ensure that they do not become overgrown. Nails that are allowed to become overlong can cause toe injuries, gait issues and sore hocks. You can trim your rabbit’s nails yourself, but always use proper pet nail clippers rather than scissors or human nail clippers. If you do not feel confident in clipping your bunny’s nails, ask your vet nurse to do the job for you. Little and often is the best policy! I clip my rabbits’ nails about once a month. This way only a small amount needs to be taken off each time, reducing the risk of mistakenly cutting the quick of the nail.

If you can’t manage to clip your rabbit’s claws regularly - I recommend every 4-8 weeks depending on their rate of growth, then please visit an experienced rabbit groomer or your rabbit savvy vet to have them done.
Also, remember it is not safe to put your rabbit flat on its back when trimming claws.
You can read more about this in the ‘Tonic Immobility’ file.
Nail Clippers
I prefer to use small dog clippers like these - Shear Magic Nail Clipper For Small To Medium Dogs for my rabbit’s claws.
Rabbit's Claws - WikiHow
Clipping Your Rabbit’s Nails - My House Rabbit
Rabbit Nails - Rabbit Matters