Fly and Mosquito Prevention
Measures to take to reduce and help control fly numbers.
Reduce fly numbers and exposure risk
Surface spray with insect sprays such as Ripcord - Caution must be used when using products containing Permethrins and their derivatives as this substance is a neurotoxin to rabbits. Only use on areas where the rabbit cannot reach.
Fly zappers. Both mains powered and battery powered are available.
Fly sticker papers - hang in and around your rabbit’s housing out of reach of your rabbit. The EasiTRAP Sticky Fly Trap from Mitre10 has good reports.
Fly traps & Fly bags
Fly screens and ‘Net’ curtains / mosquito netting draped over the housing. Physical measures such as Fly mesh etc can only reduce exposure in a set up that is small and contained and can also increase the risk of overheating as it reduces air flow.
Products such as Dr Pottle's Fly Stop & Effol Fly Repellant Spray (available from Horse supply shops) sprayed on your rabbit's hutch, cage, blankets and litter trays will help limit flies from landing on those items. Do not use directly on your rabbit. Please Note - Essential oils products containing them and products containing Permethrins are not safe to use directly on your rabbit.
Use a bait station - Fly-Ax is one, to attract flies away from your rabbit and kill them.
Air flow can help discourage flies from landing on your rabbit. Position housing so that it is in the path of the breeze/wind or use a fan (battery operated if outside) to provide a breeze - this will also help keep your rabbit cool in hot weather.
Ensure your rabbit is spotlessly clean - inspect them daily, especially their rear end where droppings & cecotrophes may get caught in fur. Beaphar Fly Guard (available from eBay) will kill fly eggs and stop them from hatching if flystrike does occur.
If your rabbit is elderly or disabled they are at greater risk. Have them assessed by a rabbit savvy vet to ensure they don’t have conditions such as arthritis which makes it difficult for them to elevate their rump to go to the toilet. If they aren’t lifting they may become dirty and smelly.
Rabbits with health issues which mean they are not spotlessly clean, can benefit from regular hygiene trims. This removes/shortens the fur which stops faeces and urine getting caught so the bun stays clean and in not smelly.
Check your rabbit’s scent glands regularly and keep them clean because dirty scent glands are very malodorous and will attract flies. Information on how to clean scent glands can be found here - Scent Glands.
Ensure your rabbit’s housing is spotlessly clean and dry. Inspect and clean daily to reduce any smell which will attract flies.
Fly/Insect repellant plants
These plants are said to deter flies and are safe for your rabbit to eat as well:
Lavender - only in very small amounts, best avoided
Lemon Thyme
Rosemary - safe to nibble in moderation
Lemon Balm
These plants are also said to repel flies but are not to be eaten so can be put in pots on top of housing and in hanging baskets etc - keep out of reach of your rabbits!
Dried pyrethrum flowers
Pennyroyal (has a strong peppermint scent)
Nigella (Love in a Mist)
Santalina (CottonLavender)
Home Made Anti Mosquito Spray
This recipe can be used for both humans and critters.
1 heaping cup fresh basil leaves
10 drops basil essential oil
1⁄2 cup boiling water
1⁄2 cup vodka
1. Place the basil leaves in a glass container and pour the boiling water over the top
2. Allow the leaves to steep for around three hours.
3. Squeeze as much of the liquid as you can from the leaves. Pour this liquid into a spray bottle, and add in the vodka. Add essential oil if desired. Shake and apply anywhere the mosquitos are biting. The Vodka will evaporate so is safe if your rabbit grooms themselves.
Technical information about Icaridin - the active ingredient in Effol.
Copyright 2019 - Jen Herd/Westley’s World