Safe Handling
The following videos and links demonstrate some great techniques that will help you learn how to safely handle your rabbits and how to win over shy and 'unfriendly' rabbits.
This video below is my absolute favourite.
This video includes techniques and ideas for getting to know your rabbit and helping them to trust you.
"Rabbits are prey animals so naturally they try and hide any signs of weakness which means it might not always be obvious when something is wrong. There are some quick checks you can do regularly at home to check your bunny is in good health, Molly the vet nurse (Molly Fiander Ltd) explains all..."
Source - Rabbit Awareness Week View the video on FaceBook here > Regular Rabbit Health Check Video
Shy, Unfriendly or Aggressive Rabbits ... so misunderstood!
"Rabbits have a reputation for being cute and cuddly so facing a rabbit that bites, scratches, and kicks can be a bit of a shock. Rabbits can be aggressive towards people for several reasons, and there maybe more than one factor at work. To get to the root of the problem, first you need to rule out heath issues and hormones, which can make a happy rabbit into a grumpy aggressive one" - The House Rabbit
Rabbit Behaviour Problem: Aggression Towards Humans - The Rabbit House
"One of the most common misconceptions people have about rabbits is that they like to be held and cuddled. This is probably because they look like plush toys. Unfortunately, many people buy rabbits without realizing the true nature of rabbits, and that's one of the main reason these lovely, intelligent creatures are "dumped" shortly after they reach sexual maturity and begin to assert their strong personalities"
Winning Over a Shy Bunny - by Dana Krempels, Ph.D.
"Tellington TTouch is a wonderful method to use on rabbits who are frightened, grieving, or who just need more bonding time with their owners."
Tellington TTouch for Rabbits - Special Bunny
"Some rabbits will hide and avoid human contact. Keep faith, this doesn’t mean that they will not love you once they get to know you. Some rabbits are more shy than others and need some human coaxing to brave human companionship."
Shyness / Unfriendliness - Special Bunny