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Bunnymergency Kit
This is a suggested list to help you put together a Bunnymergency Kit so that you can safely treat minor issues such as cuts and scratches as well as what you need to help keep your rabbit alive until you can get to a vet in an emergency such as GI stasis.
Critical Care of/for Rabbit Patients
An article; written by Molly Varga world renown rabbit specialist vet, outlining the ‘how to’ of caring for Critically ill rabbits.
EC / Encephalitozoon cuniculi / Head Tilt / Torticollis
Encephalitozoonosis is endemic in the pet rabbit population worldwide, and is an important cause of neurologic disease in rabbits
Emergency - Is Your Rabbit Sick?
Helping you to identify the warning signs of a sick rabbit
Floppy Rabbit Syndrome
Floppy rabbit syndrome is one of the more dramatic and alarming conditions that a rabbit owner can experience. Fortunately, the prognosis for most cases is good with proper supportive care.
Flystrike / Maggots
Flystrike (also known as Myiasis) is when flies lay their eggs on a rabbit's skin (usually around the bottom). The eggs quickly hatch and the maggots chew their way into the rabbit's skin. This can happen within hours and can very quickly become fatal.
Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke
This guide explains what Heat Exhaustion and heatstroke are and how you identify them.