HAMILTON - Ruby. 7 yr old, desexed and vaxed (Filavac Feb 23)Dwarf/Small breed cross
Highly adored Ruby is a beautiful bun full of cheeky personality who has outlived 4+ males she has bonded with in the past. Ruby recently lost her bonded mate and would love the opportunity to bond with a desexed male again.
Ruby used to be timid but over time has gained confidence and runs to people when called, hand feeds and approaches for the odd head scratch. Ruby is not a fan of being handled or touched too much, but if she trusts you, she will chose to be in your company, and will lay/graze close to you.
Ruby is easily trained and learns routine quickly. She has a great memory and learns which humans to trust.
A lover of parsley, freshly picked grass and pellets. Occasionally eats basil, not a coriander fan. Loves broccoli leaves.
Ruby has no underlying medical conditions other than showing one slightly elevated liver enzyme in blood tests, although this has been decreasing each year and vets have said is a non concern - just monitor. She may need a dental in 6 months, although each time this is said, the 6 months is reached and the spurs have worn themselves down already.
She has a great coat that sheds well on its own. It will very occasionally benefit from a comb.
Ruby currently has free roam of a portion of our fully fenced backyard by day, and has a converted glasshouse that she is shut into at night to keep safe from predators. Ruby would require at the very least, the minimum sizing requirements for a rabbit (not just a hutch, ever!) Ruby would be fine in outdoors or indoors but has spent all her life outdoors.
Ruby tends to startle easily, so is best to be kept away from other pets (other than a desexed male rabbit) and loud noise/sudden movements.
If you are interested in housing her on her own, please do reach out and we can chat.
Ruby would come with litter trays, litter, blankets, toys, puzzle feeders, pet pack/carry cage, 2x emergency indoor cages, food, water and food bowls, grooming shaver and combs.
T’s & C’s:
Current owner would need to visit the home Ruby would go to and check where she would be housed prior to agreeing to rehome. Current owner would like semi-regular updates after rehoming to see how Ruby is getting on.
You are welcome to come and meet Ruby.
Owner contact details: