All of the information on this list has been researched from scratch or has come from verifiable, trustworthy sources and is then double checked. MANY so called rabbit plant lists are not only inaccurate, but are unsafe and have simply been copied from other lists. One needs to remember that these lists - which are found on websites, various FB groups or Google, are only as good as the person who compiled them. They may not have been researched further after being copied from yet another list.... It's a bit like Chinese whispers and the end result is not necessarily safe, accurate or pertinent to pet rabbits living in New Zealand. All of the plants in these lists are researched and verified by Westley’s World as being safe - or otherwise, to the best of my ability, and are not copied or parroted from other sources.
Further to this, when looking to ID a plant with a view to feeding it to your rabbit, the use of Plant ID Apps to accurately ID plants is not advisable. These Apps are not trustworthy (I've tested 3 so far with less than impressive results) and can often give an answer that is not only inaccurate, but can be downright dangerous. I do not claim to 'know it all, but I do my level best to both ID plants accurately and to research them thoroughly to confirm that they are safe to feed to a rabbit, because the well-being and safety of your rabbit(s) is my top priority.
In regard to feeding weeds vs veggies - The article linked below discusses a study by Researchers from the University of California, Berkeley that has documented the fact that wild greens boast more dietary fibre, protein, vitamin A, sodium, calcium, iron and vitamin K, and provide more energy than store bought veggies. The only veg which beat the weeds tested was Kale which had a higher Vit C content. This is why we promote feeding weeds over veggies!

For more detailed information about the properties of a range of safe weeds you purchase Westley’s World of Weeds Vol.1

‘The Yellow Flower Brigade - that Group’ … Weed Comparisons

NZ Weeds Identification / Databases
Key to the weed species of New Zealand
Herbs & Weed Seed and Plants Suppliers
Westley’s World’s Shop - Seeds