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Complimentary Supplements & Beneficial Plants
Some herbal assistance that can help calm your rabbit at times of stress such as travel, bonding and vet trips ...
Diet and Nutrition
Rabbits are herbivores (plant eaters). In the wild, their main diet is grass although they also eat a range of other vegetation including leaves, twigs, and tree bark.
Flowers, Vines and Ground Covers - Safe
A compilation of safe and beneficial flowering plants to grow and feed.
Grasses and Pasture Plants
Here are some of the grasses you may come across when you are out foraging …
Hay and Grasses
The main component of every rabbit's diet should be fresh, long, fibrous grass or hay (dried grass).
Low Calcium Diets
Information on how to go about feeding a low-calcium diet if this is necessary.
Making Dehydrated Food
The beauty of making your own dehydrated feed is that you can customise it to include your rabbit’s favourite plants so there is no waste.
Pellet Free Diets
There has been an ongoing debate over the years regarding pellet-free diets for small exotic mammals.
Pellets - Which Ones & How Many
All about Pellets - which are the best and how many to feed.
Supermarket / Farmer’s Market Produce
A list of foods you are likely to come across at the Supermarket or Farmer’s Market