BVZS position statement on the use of anaesthesia in Rabbit, Guinea Pig and Chinchilla dental procedures
BVZS, supported by the RWAF, consider conscious dental treatment in rabbits, guinea pigs and chinchillas to be inappropriate.
Pain management in Rabbits – more than just Meloxicom
A comprehensive webinar presentation by Dr Sophie Jenkins covering pain management in rabbits.
A summary of rabbit anaesthesia – Part 1: Preparation and pre-operative nursing
It is imperative that RVNs are able to provide exemplary care to these patients. It is important that rabbits be treated according to their physiological needs, in order to minimise stress and improve survival rates in the peri-anaesthetic period.
Rabbit Anaesthesia
Rabbit anaesthetics are often considered challenging and have the reputation for being unsuccessful and difficult. The success of a rabbit anaesthetic rests more on planning, monitoring and additional supportive treatments than the choice of drugs with the exception of analgesia.
Rabbit Anaesthesia: How to Keep Them Alive
Anaesthetising rabbits can certainly pose a challenge but the risks can be minimised and mortality decreased, increasing the chances of a positive outcome.