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Dental Issues
Find out about rabbit teeth and the problems that can arise with them in this article
Desexing Info Pack
This is ESSENTIAL and we cannot stress enough how important it is to use a rabbit savvy vet to desex your rabbit.
Determining Gender
All too often rabbits are sexed incorrectly which can lead to accidental litters as well as serious fighting.
Diet and Nutrition
Rabbits are herbivores (plant eaters). In the wild, their main diet is grass although they also eat a range of other vegetation including leaves, twigs, and tree bark.
Drooling / Excess Salivation / Ptyalism
Drooling or Excess Salivation is an issue that needs urgent diagnosis and attention …
EC / Encephalitozoon cuniculi / Head Tilt / Torticollis
Encephalitozoonosis is endemic in the pet rabbit population worldwide, and is an important cause of neurologic disease in rabbits
Emergency Preparedness Guide for Pet Owners
It’s wise to prepare for emergency evacuation for your pets ahead of time. This resource shows you how to go about that.
Emergency - Is Your Rabbit Sick?
Helping you to identify the warning signs of a sick rabbit
Enclosure, Run & Pen Bases
If your rabbit is a digger you may need to take measures to ensure it cannot get out of its run and into trouble. Find out how here!
Enrichment - Let's Play!
Ways you can enrich your rabbit's life with bunny safe toys, activities and equipment (with pictures)
Floppy Rabbit Syndrome
Floppy rabbit syndrome is one of the more dramatic and alarming conditions that a rabbit owner can experience. Fortunately, the prognosis for most cases is good with proper supportive care.
Flowers, Vines and Ground Covers - Safe
A compilation of safe and beneficial flowering plants to grow and feed.
Flystrike / Maggots
Flystrike (also known as Myiasis) is when flies lay their eggs on a rabbit's skin (usually around the bottom). The eggs quickly hatch and the maggots chew their way into the rabbit's skin. This can happen within hours and can very quickly become fatal.
Grasses and Pasture Plants
Here are some of the grasses you may come across when you are out foraging …