Complimentary & Beneficial Plants

Feeding herbs to help with a specific issue/illness does not replace veterinary treatment. Your rabbit must see a vet for appropriate diagnosis and treatment.
Offering specific plants as a
supplement to veterinary treatment may assist in healing, boosting immunity, help with calming etc.

Some herbal assistance that can help calm your rabbit at times of stress such as travel, bonding and vet trips ... 
Utilising calming herbs can help. The best and safest options are:

  • Catnip spray as sold for cats. I have found the Kong brand to be the most effective. Mist the spray around the rabbit’s area and onto walls etc

  • Lemon Balm - this can be fed dried or fresh.

  • Lavender - hang fresh Lavender out of reach, make a Lavender and water spray by infusing flowers in a spray bottle of water, use Lavender essential oil (reasonably safe to use around rabbits in limited amounts unlike other EOs) dotted around, out of reach. Don't deliberately feed Lavender though as it is high in volatile oils which can upset the gut.

  • Chamomile - either feed flowers and foliage; fresh or dried, or make Chamomile tea and offer in a water bowl once it is cooled.

  • Mint can be calming as well.

  • Another excellent calming option is Pet Remedy which is available as a plug diffuser or a spray. It is safe to use with rabbits.

Illness & Recovery
To boost immune function and improve healing and recovery from illnesses such as Snuffles -

Echinacea is the top herb to try.
Kiwiherb Children’s Echincea - This supplement is in a handy form that rabbits generally enjoy. Give about 1ml per day for 3 weeks then stop for one week and repeat.

Some other herbs/plants that could be beneficial to feed to help boost immunity, aid healing and fight infection are:

Calendula flowers
Olive leaf
Stinging Nettle
Herb Robert
Goldenrod Flowers

URIs / Snuffles
Olive Leaf
Stinging Nettle
Herb Robert
Goldenrod Flowers

Urinary Issues
Birch (not if bun is on Metacam)

Cardiac Issues
Hawthorn leaves/branches only - do not feed if bun is on heart medications.


Collars and Harnesses


Critical Care of/for Rabbit Patients